Why Halloween is loved in Tottori Prefecture and specific events
Halloween” has become fully established in Japan since the beginning of the 2000s, and the event is particularly active in Tottori Prefecture.
Why Tottori? but there is a solid reason for this.
In this article, we would like to explain “Why Halloween events are actively held in Tottori Prefecture” and “Events to be held in Tottori”.

鳥取県でハロウィンが愛されている理由 Why Halloween is loved in Tottori Prefecture
In Tottori, Halloween events have been held in the streets of Tottori City, the prefectural government office, and Windmon Square.
Although it was temporarily toned down due to the new coronavirus, Halloween events will be held in a much more powerful atmosphere for Halloween 2024.
In Tottori Prefecture, Halloween parties are often held at each household, and it can truly be said that Tottori is a “Halloween-active prefecture.
However, those from other prefectures may wonder, “Why is Halloween so popular in Tottori Prefecture?” You may wonder why Halloween is so popular in Tottori Prefecture.
Here are some reasons why Halloween is celebrated in Tottori Prefecture.
①人口最小の県ゆえに騒いでも迷惑になりにくい The smallest prefecture with the smallest population, so it is less likely to cause trouble if you make a lot of noise.
Tottori Prefecture has the smallest population in Japan.
The population in January 2024 was approximately 540,000,
Even Tottori City, the prefectural capital, has only about 190,000 residents, so although the land area is small, the population density is not so high.
Therefore, it is not too much of a nuisance even if there is a lot of noise at Halloween events or in households (of course, there are also dense residential areas). (Of course, some residential areas are densely populated, so this does not apply to all areas.)
As will be mentioned later, Tottori Sand Dunes, a typical tourist spot in Tottori, is truly a “place where you don’t have to worry about noise” because of its expanse of sand dunes.
It is a great collaboration because not only can you witness the beauty of the dunes, but you can also enjoy Halloween.
②鳥取砂丘で大々的なハロウィンイベントが行われているから Because there’s a big Halloween event going on at the Tottori Sand Dunes.
As mentioned above, the Tottori Sand Dunes are not prone to noise problems even when large events are held there.
In 2024, a Halloween costume event is scheduled to be held on October 27.

「鳥取ハロウィン 聖地化プロジェクト」と銘打ち、様々なイベントが行われます。
The event will be called “Tottori Halloween Sacred Site Project” and will include a variety of events.
*鳥取県公式ウェブサイト Official website of Tottori Prefecture
The Sand Museum will be making special sand elephants (Pokemon sand) for Halloween, and professional photographers will be on hand to take pictures in the natural setting of the dunes.
On the day of the event, Halloween costumes will be available for rent, so visitors can participate in the costume parade even if they come empty-handed (no advance registration is required). (No advance registration is required.)
Certainly, in urban areas, including Tokyo, Halloween has become a problem due to noise, garbage problems, and immoral behavior, but in the Tottori Sand Dunes, noise is not a problem and people are more conscious of taking out garbage than urban youth, so it should not be a big problem.
Since Tottori Prefecture is taking the initiative in this project, it may become known as a “sacred place for Halloween” in the next few years.
It will be interesting to see how big a movement this will become, as it will probably be broadcast on the national news during Halloween season.
③「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」の聖地でありハロウィン仮装と相性が良いから Because it is a sacred place for “Gegege no Kitaro” and goes well with Halloween costumes.
Do you have a question?
“Why do people in Tottori have so little resistance to dressing up?” It is true that many Japanese people are shy by nature.
It is true that many Japanese people are shy by nature,
However, people in Tottori are not so shy about masquerades.
One of the main reasons for this is “Gegege no Kitaro” (Gegege’s Kitaro).
Tottori is famous as the birthplace of the late Shigeru Mizuki, the author of “Gegege no Kitaro.
Tottori tends to have a strong connection with manga and anime, such as “Town of Yokai” and “Mizuki Shigeru Road.
Hence, there is not so much resistance to Halloween, which often involves dressing up as ghosts and goblins.
In addition, Tottori Prefecture’s population continues to decline, and many of its residents feel that “this can’t go on like this” and “we have to do something about it.
This is why the prefecture is very active in organizing Halloween events.

まとめ summary
In this article, we have explained why Halloween events are active in Tottori Prefecture.
It is certain that Tottori Prefecture and Halloween are quite compatible in terms of local factors and prefectural character.
The “Halloween Costume Event” to be held at the Tottori Sand Dunes on October 27, 2024, is expected to attract many people from Tottori Prefecture as well as from outside the prefecture.
If you are interested in this event, why don’t you come in costume and join us?