【The oldest power spot in Japan】 Enjoy spring water and exquisite gourmet food! 「Miwa Somen」 in Nara, the birthplace of Miwa Somen and the Oomiwa Shrine

ツルツルとした喉 越しと、さっぱりとした味わいは、夏の暑さで疲れた体によく染み渡りますよね。
数あるそうめんの中でも、特に人気が高いのが「三輪そうめん」です。奈良県桜井市に位置する三輪山麓で生まれた三輪輪そうめんは、約 1300 年もの歴史を持つ、日本最古のそうめんと言われています。
今回は、そんな三輪そうめん発祥の地である「三輪山」と、その麓に鎮座する⼤神神社の 魅力に迫ります。
湧き水、絶品グルメ情報も交えながら、 三輪山と⼤神神社を巡る旅へとご案内しましょう。
Somen noodles served with chilled dipping sauce is one of the most popular summer foods in Japan.
The smooth slurping and refreshing taste of somen soaks into your body after a hard day’s work in the summer heat.
Among the many types of somen, Miwa Somen is particularly popular. Miwa Somen originated at the foot of Miwa Mountain located in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture, and is said to be the oldest somen in Japan with a history of approximately 1,300 years.
Miwa, the birthplace of Miwa Somen, and the Talegami Shrine located at the foot of the mountain.
Miwasan has been the object of worship since ancient times and is known as one of the oldest power spots, a place of abundant nature and history.
The Tale of Taro is the oldest and most famous of the Tale of Taro shrines, and is a place of great natural beauty and history.
三輪山:神宿る山と、そこから湧き出る神秘の水 Miwayama: A mountain where gods dwell and mysterious water springs from it

奈良盆地東部にそびえ立つ三輪山は、標⾼ 467m の美しい円錐形の山容を誇り、その姿は 古くから人々の信仰を集めてきました。
三輪山を御神体とする⼤神神社(おおみわじんじゃ)は、日本最古の神社の⼀一つとされ、本殿を持たず、拝殿から三輪山を直接拝むという、 古代の信仰の形を今に伝えています。
Mount Miwa, which rises 467 meters above sea level in the eastern Nara Basin, is a beautiful conical mountain that has been worshipped since ancient times.
Miwa, is one of the oldest Shinto shrines in Japan. The shrine does not have a main hall, but rather a worship hall from which visitors can directly worship the mountain.
Miwa is a place worthy of being called the “home of the gods,” as it appears in the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) and Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan). The mountain is dotted with places that show remnants of the belief in megaliths and rock formations, creating a mysterious atmosphere.
In Mt. Miwa, there is a spring that has long been revered as “water of the gods.
This spring water is pure water nurtured by the rich nature of Mt. Miwa, and is an essential part of Miwa Somen noodle making.
I have actually received spring water from Mt. Miwa, and when I took a sip, it seemed to soak into my body,
It tastes clean and gentle, as if it is soaking into your body. It is said that some of the locals come here every day to draw water from this spring.
三輪そうめん:神の水と伝統が織りなす、極上の味わい Miwa Somen: The finest taste of divine water and tradition

三輪そうめんの起源は、今から約 1300 年前の⾶鳥時代にまで遡ると言われています。
三輪山麓は、温暖な気候と肥沃な土壌に恵まれ、良質な⼩麦の産地として知られていまし た。
こうして生まれた三輪そうめんは、その独特のコシの強さと、滑らかな喉越しが特徴で、 時の天皇や貴族たちにも愛されてきました。
Miwa somen is said to have its origins as far back as the Minamoto period (1300 years ago).
According to legend, a priest of Toshijin Shrine told the villagers in a dream that they should knead wheat with water from the foot of Miwa Mountain, stretch it into thin threads, and eat the dried product as a way to help those suffering from famine,
Miwa as a way to relieve the famine-stricken villagers.
Blessed with a mild climate and fertile soil, the foot of Mt. Miwa was known as a source of high-quality lowland wheat.
The clear water from the Miwa Mountains was ideal for making somen noodles.
The Miwa Somen, which was born in this way, was loved by emperors and aristocrats because of its unique firmness and smooth texture.
Even today, Miwa Somen is still carefully produced by artisans while adhering to traditional methods.
If you visit Miwa Mountain, be sure to taste the authentic Miwa Somen.
Somen boiled in spring water has an exceptional taste.
【おすすめのお店 Recommended stores】

• 三輪そうめん山本: 創業明治 20 年の⽼舗店
Miwa Somen Yamamoto: A long-established store established in 1887.
三輪そうめんを使った様々なメニューが楽しめます。名物は、そうめんを冷たい出汁につけて食べる「にゅうめん」。You can enjoy various menus using Miwa Somen. The specialty is “Nyumen,” which is somen noodles dipped in cold soup stock.
o 住所: 奈良県桜井市芝 322
Address: 322 Shiba, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture
o TEL: 0744-42-2060

• 森正: 三輪そうめんの製造販売を行うお店
Morisyou: A store that manufactures and sells Miwa somen noodles
併設の食事処では作りたてのそうめんを味わえます。お土産に、手延べ体験もおすすめです。You can taste freshly made somen noodles at the adjoining restaurant. For souvenirs, we also recommend trying your hand at hand-pulling somen.
o 住所: 奈良県桜井市箸中 880
Address: 880 Chopenaka, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture
o TEL: 0744-43-6707
湧き水とスポットと絶品グルメを巡る、三輪山と大神神社の楽しみ方 How to enjoy Mt. Miwa and Oomiwa Shrine with its spring water, spots and exquisite food
There are many historical shrines, temples, and other places to enjoy the beauty of nature in the area around Mt.
Here are some of the most recommended spots.
・大神神社 Oomiwa shrine
One of the oldest shrines in Japan, it is dedicated to Mt.
The ancient form of worship, in which visitors worship Mt. Miwa directly from the hall of worship without a main shrine, still attracts the hearts of many.
Hundreds of years old cedar trees line the grounds of the shrine, creating a solemn atmosphere.
o 住所: 奈良県桜井市三輪 1422
Address: 1422 Miwa, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture
o TEL: 0744-42-6633
o 駐車場: あり(有料) Parking: Yes (charged)
・狭井神社 Sai Shrine
ペットボトル や水筒を持参して、ぜひ持ち帰りましょう。
It is a regent shrine of Ogami Shrine and is believed to be beneficial for healing illness and prolonging life.
The shrine is also home to a spring water supply from the Miwa Mountains, which can be drawn free of charge.
Bring a plastic bottle or water bottle to take home with you.
o 住所: 奈良県桜井市三輪 248
Address: 248 Miwa, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture
・久延彦神社 Hiehiko Shrine
境内には、樹齢 1500 年以上と伝えられる、国の天然記念物に指定されている巨大な杉の木があります。
It is a regent shrine of the Oomiwa Shrine and is worshipped as a god of agriculture.
Within the shrine grounds is a huge cedar tree, designated as a national natural monument, which is said to be over 1,500 years old.
You will surely be overwhelmed by its size!
o 住所: 奈良県桜井市三輪
Address: Miwa, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture
・三輪山平等寺 Miwasan Byoudouzi
聖徳太子によって創建されたと伝えられる寺院で、本尊の薬師如来坐像 は国の重要⽂文化財に指定されています。
The temple is said to have been founded by Prince Shotoku, and its principal image, a seated Yakushi Nyorai (Medicine Buddha), is designated as a national important cultural asset.
After visiting the temple, the view of Mount Miwa from the temple grounds is highly recommended.
o 住所: 奈良良県桜井市三輪 682
Address: 682 Miwa, Sakurai, Nara
o TEL: 0744-42-2004
【おすすめグルメ Recommended Gourmet】
- 柿の葉寿司: 奈良県の名物として知られる柿の葉寿司は、三輪山周辺でも味わえます。
- Kakinoha Sushi: Kakinoha sushi, a well-known specialty of Nara Prefecture, can be found around the Miwa Mountains.
- 鯖や鮭などの具材を、柿の葉で包んで発酵させた、独特の風味が楽しめます。
- Ingredients such as mackerel and salmon are wrapped in persimmon leaves and fermented for a unique flavor.
- 葛餅: 吉野地⽅の名産品として知られる葛餅ですが、三輪山周辺でも味わえます。
- Kuzumochi: Kuzumochi is a specialty of the Yoshino region, but it can also be found around the Miwasan area.
- 葛粉を使った、つるんと喉越しの良い葛餅は、暑い夏にぴったりの和菓子です。
- Kuzumochi, made with kuzu (kudzu) flour, is a Japanese sweet that goes down smoothly and is perfect for the hot summer months.
- 豆腐料理: 三輪山の湧き水を使った⾖腐料理も人気です。
- Tofu cuisine: Tofu dishes using spring water from Mt.
- 豆腐は、⼤豆の旨みが凝縮されており、とても美味しいです。
- The tofu is very tasty and has a concentrated flavor of Taro beans.
【神社】 | 大神神社(おおみわじんじゃ) |
【御利益】 | 縁結び・恋愛成就・夫婦円満 |
【御祭神】 | 大物主大神(おおものぬしのおおかみ) |
【電話番号】 | 0744-42-6633 |
【営業時間】 | 24時間参拝可能(授与所は9:00~17:00) |
【住所】 | 奈良県桜井市三輪1422(MAP) |
【アクセス】 | ・JR桜井線 三輪駅 徒歩15分 ・奈良交通バス:JR桜井駅北口2番乗り場より大神神社二の鳥居前まで およそ20分 ・車:⻄阪奈道路路「郡山 IC」より約 20 分 |
Summary: Take a trip to Mt. Miwa to refresh your body and mind.
Miwasan is a power spot with ancient beliefs and history, but it is also a place where you can enjoy beautiful nature and delicious gourmet food.
Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the pure air and water of Mt. Miwa will refresh you both physically and mentally.
Why not visit Mt. Miwa on your next holiday?