What are the most popular Japanese souvenirs among international & domestic travelers?
Japan has attractive souvenirs in various parts of the country.
In some cases, travelers from overseas buy them as “souvenirs of Japan,” and it is also customary for domestic travelers to purchase famous souvenirs at their destinations.
However, it is better to know “souvenirs that will be appreciated” in advance because, surprisingly, there is sometimes no time to choose souvenirs during a trip.
Therefore, in this article, we would like to explain “popular souvenirs in Japan that are definitely appreciated”.
海外旅行者に人気のお土産 Popular Souvenirs for International Travelers
Japan is known as a “land of gastronomy” with sushi, tempura, ramen, pork cutlets, steaks, and other delicacies, but because the culture is so different from that of the West, inbound consumption of souvenirs is also high.
Let us take a look at what kind of souvenirs are actually popular in Japan.

①日本を連想させるグッズ Goods reminiscent of Japan
Many foreigners still imagine “samurai” when they think of Japan.
In reality, Japan has modernized just as much as the West, but goods that symbolize good old Japanese culture are still appreciated as souvenirs.
Kimonos, fans, Japanese umbrellas, and goods that remind people of samurai will be quite appreciated as souvenirs when you return to your own country.

②キャラクターグッズ Character Goods
Since there are so many characters that originated in Japan and are popular around the world, we recommend that you purchase such character merchandise as souvenirs.
This is just a short list of the many popular characters that exist in Japan.
If you bring these popular Japanese character goods back to your home country as souvenirs, you are sure to be delighted with them.

③日本で使用されている日用品 Daily necessities used in Japan
Japanese daily necessities are highly valued overseas.
Cosmetics and toiletries are especially popular, and many foreigners buy them as souvenirs.
An unexpected souvenir shop is a 100 yen store such as Daiso.
Many small items unique to Japan are sold, and since each item is available for 100 to 500 yen, they are often purchased to give as souvenirs to many friends and family members.

国内旅行で人気の高いお土産 Popular souvenirs for domestic travel
Let us now list some of the souvenirs that are popular among residents of Japan when traveling within the country.
Basically, there are always “popular souvenirs” in every prefecture and tourist destination,
but there are also many places that have nationally famous souvenirs.

北海道「白い恋人」 Hokkaido 「Shiroi Koibito」
If you are looking for a souvenir to buy in Hokkaido, “Shiroi Koibito” is the best choice.
It has been loved as a representative souvenir of Hokkaido for more than 40 years, so it is highly recognized nationwide.
The taste is also universally accepted, so you can buy it with peace of mind.
宮城県「萩の月」 Miyagi「Haginotsuki」
Hagi no Tsuki” is an extremely popular souvenir in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture.
The soft sponge cake is filled with custard cream, and its taste is superb.
Haginotsuki, which is shaped like a famous moon, is not only tasty but also looks cute.
東京都「東京ばな奈」 Tokyo 「Tokyo Banana」
Tokyo Banana” is a Tokyo souvenir that has quickly taken root over the past 30 years.
Tokyo is not a famous banana-producing region, but the banana has a sense of “familiarity and nostalgia” that has caught the attention of many people.
It is a souvenir developed with an eye to the banana’s “familiarity and nostalgia.
神奈川県「鳩サブレー」 Kanagawa 「Hato Sablet」
The “Hato Sablet” has become famous as one of Kamakura’s most famous confections.
The cute dove motif of the sable is well known throughout Japan.
It is a souvenir that is simple and tasty, so it can be said that it is a souvenir for any person.
京都府「生八ツ橋」 Kyoto「Nama Yatsuhashi」
When it comes to Kyoto souvenirs, “Nama-yatsuhashi” is without a doubt the most popular.
The skin is a combination of rice flour and sugar, flavored with nikki (Japanese cinnamon), and steamed without baking.
The soft texture enhances the unique taste.
One of the characteristics of this product is that it is available in many varieties, such as green tea, chocolate, cherry, strawberry, and black sesame, in addition to the standard Nikki.
沖縄「ちんすこう」 Okinawa 「Chinsuko」
Okinawa is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan, and “chinsuko” has become a standard souvenir.
This bite-sized traditional confection has been popular since the days of the Ryukyu Dynasty.
The delicate sweetness and flavor are addictive and delicious.
In recent years, not only the standard chinsuko, but also brown sugar, seeker, coconut, pineapple, red sweet potato, and many other varieties are sold.
まとめ summary
In this article we have discussed “popular souvenirs in Japan that are absolutely delightful.
Japan is a country of gastronomy and culture that is different from that of the West, so souvenirs in many places tend to be very original products.
Whether you are a foreigner visiting Japan or a domestic traveler, why not take a look at the souvenirs listed here?